Pressing On

It’s July, which means our journey to Chile has been ongoing for roughly 7 months now. Both my wife and I are blessed to still be working full-time for our sending church DaySpring Baptist which keeps us plenty busy during the week.

On the weekends, we have had the privilege of traveling to various churches and missions conferences and are working on filling up the remainder of our year with meetings and opportunities. Pray we can fill up the rest of our calendar year, August/October are fairly full, and a couple meetings lined up in September/November. We’ve been blessed by the many people we have met that are faithfully committing to praying for our family, move to Chile and future ministry. We do all of this for God’s glory and are committed to using our lives to be a witness and testimony of God’s grace.

And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.- Galatians 6:9