Nosotros Somos Libres (We are Free)

We scheduled visits to two churches with our new good missionary friends (Jared Park) for the morning service and (Jason Holt) for an evening service in Santiago.

Yesterday we waited for our Pase De Movilidad to activate, but it never happened. Without the Pase activated you are technically not allowed to leave your hotel room. (We may or may not have snuck out yesterday to get provisions). I woke up around 4:30am and kept scanning our QR code on the Pase to see if it was activated. The first service started at noon, so we had to get on the Metro (train) by 11:30 to make it on time, however by 11:00am our passes were still not activated. I let Jared know we would probably not make it for the service, but checked one more time at 11:25 and they were both activated, PTL!

Wow, what an amazing day having the opportunity to fellowship with these great missionaries and their families. Their churches are amazing and they are using what God has given them in the city to do great things. I was able to give a testimony (with the help of a traductor/translator) about why we are in Chile and where we feel God is leading us in the near future. Gretta and I are so grateful God put these families in our lives and the instant fellowship we were able to have. It’s amazing how the body of Christ can come together no matter the location and even language barriers.

We got back to our hotel around 9:30 (21:30) after an awesome day, got some Japanese carryout and had a relaxing dinner. Check out some of the pictures of our day!