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Day 1: Friday, January 14th, 2022

 “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost” - Matthew 28:19

Today is our main travel day from Milwaukee, Wisconsin to Santiago, Chile. We are flying from Chicago to Toronto, then Toronto to Santiago. We will touch ground in Santiago, Saturday at 11am. This survey trip is much more than a “vacation”, it will really set the tone for our future work down in Chile.

This trip seemed so far away even a couple months ago, but here we are sitting in the Toronto Pearson Airport waiting for our final flight to Santiago. Over the next 14 days I will update you on what we are doing, the people we meet, and the churches we visit.

Our main motto of this trip and our ministry is “Be Available, Be Willing, Be Faithful”. If you can do those three things for the Lord, then the sky is the limit. Here we are, hands open, ready to do God’s work, whatever it takes.

Our ministry is never about “The Repperts”, it’s only about the Lord using “The Repperts” to do HIS work. If you take “The Repperts” out of the equation, God will still get His work done, but if you take God out of the equation, nothing can truly get done for His glory. Christians, if God didn’t have work for us to do here on Earth, He would have taken us home the moment we got saved. But here we are, let’s be do His work until we can’t do it any longer.

For His Glory,

The Repperts

Luis and Gretta in Chicago