A Trip to the Chilean Consulate!

Last Monday my wife and I took a trip to the Chilean Consulate in Chicago to sign some important paperwork.

First we signed the application to receive our Gabby and Liam’s Chilean Birth certificates. This should take about 6-8 months to process in Chile, then they will be able to receive their Chilean Passports and ID cards. This will be important as we won’t have to worry about them receiving Visas then. Gretta will have to apply for her Temporary Visa prior to us leaving for Chile and will have to renew after a year of being in the country. Then she can apply for her permanent residency.

The second document we signed was our application for our Chilean Marriage License. We had to fill out the application and give them our Apostilled Wisconsin Marriage License so Chile can process. This will help Gretta with her Visa applications.

Even though my two children and I are Chilean Citizens, there are still several hurdles to jump. Please continue to pray for this process and even a small miracle that Chile can process the kid’s paperwork before we leave in January.

We have a busy next few months visiting churches on the weekends and working full-time at our church! God is providing and we are excited as we start really transitioning to Chile soon.

Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.
— Ephesians 6:10