5 Months on the Field!

Wow, it’s hard to imagine it’s already been five months since we’ve been on the field. Time is really flying by and we are learning new things every day. Please pray for us as both Gretta and I are taking Spanish lessons daily and learning the language this year. We’ve been blessed with our third child, Isabella, born here in Osorno, Chile. Gabriella, our oldest is picking up the language quickly and making friends in her Christian School she attends. Liam is just happy to be wherever we are and is doing a great job with his new little sister!

Please continue to pray for us as we are planning on starting Bible Studies in Valdivia in the next month. We have the materials, but are looking for a meeting place near the central of Valdivia. This is posing to be a challenge as prices to rent a location even once or twice a week can be expensive. Our other idea is to simply move to Valdivia within the next couple months to hold the Bible Studies in our home.

Thank you so much for your prayers and support as we are sharing the Gospel here in Chile. We don’t have concrete plans yet, but we plan to return home in the summer of 2025 for a couple conferences and will likely spend a couple months raising more support if needed.